The health, safety and well-being of the kids and families we serve, as well as the protection of our staff, is always the Y’s top priority. We will be taking extra precautions to help decrease the spread of coronavirus which includes rigorous cleaning protocols, student and staff health screenings, social/physical distancing practices and limiting physical contact with parents during check out (and will not allow visitors on-site).
Please see below for an outline of our current best practices. We will continue to follow guidance from the CDC, local health agencies, state government, Georgia’s “Bright From The Start” and the school district. If we determine changes to these best practices are needed, we will inform all parents enrolled in our Afterschool Program, as well as the school district, via email.
After School Best Practices 2020
- Using provided sprays/cleaners –
- each table/surface will be wiped down at the beginning of the day and after each group rotates out of that space
- equipment (balls, games, etc.) will be wiped down between group usage
- space to be provided for equipment that needs to be cleaned
- Students
- will wash hands prior to snack and after each transition of activities or space (required by licensing)
General Health
- staff – required daily health screen – prior to entering the area/working with children
- if there is a known, direct exposure the staff must report this to our HR dept. and will follow current health department recommendations for isolation / quarantine
- if a staff member becomes ill at work (fever, etc.) they will be sent home and must wait 72 hours (fever free w/o assistance from medication) and follow school guidelines on returning to work at the school.
- students – if they have been exposed directly should report this to the Y and school and follow current health department recommendations for isolation / quarantine
- students – if they become ill will be separated from other children in an area that can be supervised by a staff member. They will be monitored, and parents will be notified to pick them up immediately. If they have a fever, they must wait 72 hours (fever free w/o assistance from medication) and follow school guidelines before returning to after school care/Y programs
- masks – will follow the school district’s mask policy for students and staff unless a different mandate is required from Bright From The Start. While students and/orsaff are engaged in physical activity, they will not wear a mask (per CDC recommendation).
Physical Distancing
- Although currently, Bright From The Start does not require students to maintain a 6 foot distance, we do maintain social distancing when possible
- When at tables – limit the number of students per table (for example: leave a seat between each student at lunchroom tables)
- When in line – at least an arm’s length from your neighbors
- When playing games – work to choose games that allow students to physically distance from each other
- Limit the number of students in each group
Parent/Guardian Pick up
- Sign Out will be handled electronically and by the staff (as allowed by the BFTS/CAPS guidelines)
- Magnetic doorbells for locations, as needed, so that parents can let staff know when they have arrived
- Parents will be limited to a small entry area rather than access to the full facility/other children (at this time this is the recommendation from BFTS)
- Pens will be cleansed after each use.